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A Scientifically Proven Way To Build The Perfect Male Body

Let’s face it, as men we workout and eat healthy for one reason and one reason only: to look good.
And while that may sound vain, the truth is, the majority of men go to the gym so that they can build a better looking body.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look better, especially with how critical society is on physical appearances these days.
And don’t tell me you go to the gym so that you can lower your blood pressure or whatever. If we lived in a world where working out didn’t produce better looking bodies, I’m guessing most guys wouldn’t even step foot in the gym.
But as millions of men slave away in the gym in order to build the perfect male body, most of them don’t even know how to build it.

What is the perfect male body?

The perfect male physique is one where any man, woman, or monkey will look at you and say “Damn that’s impressive.”
It’s really that plain and simple.
You want a body that turns heads. You want a body that produces double takes. You want a body that causes collisions when you cross the street.
We can argue all day long about how there’s no such thing as “perfect” and that beauty is the eye of beholder or some hippie dippie BS, but there’s actually very strong evidence behind what the majority of women find as “perfect.”

The science behind perfect body proportions

There is a science behind having the perfect male body proportions.
And this secret lies in a very ratio.
I’m sure some of you’ve heard of the golden ratio before, but if not, it’s a number that approximately equals 1.618.
It’s an incredibly important number that appears in architecture, art, geometry, your body, and many other areas.
Even as early as the Renaissance, artists such as Michelangelo have used the golden ratio to produce sculptures and artwork that represent the ideal human body (e.g. David by Michelangelo).

But how does this apply to building your body?

Like I said earlier, the golden ratio is seen all over the human body in places like your hands, feet, and face.
For example, look at your hand. Let’s say your hand has a value of 1, then the ratio of your hand to forearm will be approximately 1:1.618.
But while it’s physically impossible to change your hand to forearm ratio, it is possible to change your shoulder to waist ratio which is what you need to focus on if you want to build the perfect male body.
Scientifically speaking, it has been shown that women are most attracted to men with shoulders that are 1.618 times bigger than his waist.
So for example, let’s say we have a guy who has a 32 inch waist and 45 inch shoulders. This would put his ratio at about 1.406. So to get get a golden ratio of 1.618, he would have to increase the size of his shoulders to about 52 inches.
Of course height plays a role in this too and if depending on your height, your waist measurements will change.
This is the formula you should use to calculate your perfect waist to shoulder proportions:
ideal male body proportions

Perfect shoulder/waist formula

Ideal waist = Approximately 45% of height in inches
Ideal shoulders = 1.618 * Ideal waist

Increase shoulder width or decrease waist circumference?

Let’s go back to our previous example of the guy with the 32 inch waist and the 45 inch shoulders.
I said the guy needed to boost his shoulders up from 45 inches to approx 52 inches to achieve the golden ratio (52/32 = approx 1.618).
But what our guy kept his shoulders at 45 inches but simply decreased his waist from 32 inches to 28 inches (45/28 = approx 1.618).
Technically, that would produce the same ratio but the final physique would look drastically different.
A man with a 28 inch waist and small shoulder just doesn’t look good. You can’t just mindlessly lose weight with building up your shoulders, this will create a very scrawny look.
You need to have a tight waist, but you can’t have tiny shoulders as well.
Deciding to increase shoulder width or decrease waist circumference is all dependent on your height, and this is where the Adonis Index comes in (see below).
Perfect male body
This is Dr. Manhattan from the comic book Watchmen – a great example of what the golden ratio should look like.

A workout routine designed to build the perfect male body

So achieving the golden ratio between your shoulders and waist is really the best way to build the most physically attractive body possible.
But to achieve this ratio, you can’t just mindlessly workout like every other guy in the gym. You can’t spend your time mindlessly doing endless sets of bench pressing. You need to strategically plan your exercises, sets, reps, and rest time.
And one of the best workout programs that’s specifically designed to help you build the golden ratio called The Adonis Index.
Adonis Index review
So if you’re looking for a foolproof plan to broaden your shoulder, shrink your waist and build the perfect male body, then you should consider checking out this program


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