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Mad routine for Chicks

On these days, do a Circuit Training with 3 circuits.
  • Lunges – 25 reps on each leg
  • Chair Squats – 25 reps

  • Calf Raise – 25 reps. Do it on both the legs, if you are a beginner. See this video to know the exact method of performing this exercise yourself.

  • Chair Dips – 25 reps
  • Burpee / Squat Thrust – 25 reps
  • Planks – Hold it for 1 minute

  • Mountain Climbers – Do it for at least 1 minute

Perform all the above listed exercises as a circuit which will take around 1 hour or less. Do the 3 circuits and have at most 3 minute rest in between the circuits. These exercises are for persons having moderate strength. Beginners may need to lower the repetitions of the exercises and increase the rest in between the circuits.
These two days are dedicated to cardiovascular exercise called running. Nicki Minaj has said that she does a 30 minute workout on Elliptical Trainer.


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